Monday, December 21, 2009

Loads of cute babies on the way! =)

Hi. So, as you can probly guess from my title, we have TONS of babies on the way! Every single one of my does (except Melody) are bred! =O Seems like a nice way to kick off the year! Here are the does I bred:

Cookie X Charlie
Sweetpea X Top Gunner
Daisy X Buddy
Cloud X Buddy
Ash X Oakey
Kitty X Top Gunner
Lacy X Harley......
and soon to be Secret Score X Blue

So LOTS of babies coming. They are all gonna be in time for Easter. The pet store I sell to, says they will take LOTS of babies on Easter. =) Im SO excited. Although, I have decided to cut back my numbers pretty good. Im planning to just keep the Dutch I have, and maybe sell some Mini Lops? Im looking to get more into my Dutch and Netherland Dwarfs. Im thinking of this spring/summer (pending on how many bunnies I cut back on), bringing in a nice Dutch doe, marked nice, with good type. We will see what the future holds.

I have been cleaning cages lately. Tommorow im gonna get some horse feed, and a couple bales of straw. Im also gonna clean out the rabbitry, again. And hopefully do some brushing/nail trimming/vent cleaning. ;) So, tommorow is dedicaded to the bunnies.

Gracy has 4 babies. She had 5, but we lost one due to the cold. She has been keeping them very fat, and I make sure I cover them with LOTS of hair/straw. Melody never took. I think its because she is a little to fat. So, im gonna get her to lose some weight, and breed her in January for Roasters, for fair. Hopefully Gracy will be able to take on another litter, for Febuary fryers. If I dont find another meat doe, that is. If not, I will have to deal with my roasters. =) Im thinking I may have to buy more nest boxes, in order to house all these babies. =) Im also gonna start collecting the hair I get from the bunnies, to put in with the babies, to keep them extra warm. I will probly purchase my nest boxes from Nui Kai, they have nice big nest boxes, and they sell them for pretty cheap, because they have a hard time getting rid of them. =) I was also able to get a couple dwarf size nest boxes. =) MERRY CHRISTMAS!! =)

~Kayla & All The Bunnies~

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