Monday, February 1, 2010

Babies Growing Up

Hi. Well it has been nice and sunny the past couple days. I got all the trays dumped, and now I just need to bleach some cages (hopefully), and clean out the meat pens. I have decided I need to make a day, every week to clean out my rabbitry. It got WAY WAY overdue this last time, and its not fair to the bunnies. So im thinking every wensday. =)
Speaking of babies, some are starting to hop out of the nestbox. =D They are all so cute! Sadly Daisy's baby that looked like Thumper, passed away, due to unknown reasons. Im very excited for my Mini Lop litter. They are looking so cute! There ears are beginning to lop, and they have BIG heads, like there daddy. Im thinking im gonna sell Secret Score, and maybe keep a baby to replace her. More then likely I will keep a baby anyways. Im also excited for my Dutch litter. They arent quite as impressive as I had hoped, but they are pretty nice markings wise. One has a DQ. I wish she would of had more to choose from. It leaves me with a steel, and a gold (ack!). Steel is not my fav color, and gold is un showable. So we will see what happens.
Aside from rabbit news. My sow (pig) had her first litter of 12 babies. There are hamp pigs (black and white), york pigs (white), blue butts (grey and white), and duroc pigs (red and white). One got sqwished, so there are 11 left. 6 gilts (girls), and 5 boars (boys). My other sow is due any day now. TTYL!


1 comment:

rrj said...

Congratulation for getting babies rabbit.