Friday, September 26, 2008
A little hectic
Sorry i havent posted for a while, it has been a little hectic around here. I have someone coming to train Saphire. I got some time to breed Secret Score, and Melody. Im getting a new Mini Lop doe. Im trying to find transport for my new bunny, so if you are intersted please email me at: Plus my birthday party is this sunday!!!! :D Oreo and Buddy are still for sale if anyone is intersted. Im not gonna make it to the show tommorow, so instead im going to the show in Glide in about 2 weeks! I will post later. Bye.
Saturday, September 20, 2008
I have named my bunny that im keeping from Lacy. Her new name is Puff. I sexed her, and she is a doe. Im pretty sure the other two are does also. Im almost positive im going to Mini Lop Nationals. Im pretty excited! Im gonna breed Secret Score today! The babies should be just in time for christmas! I sold Zambi. Im putting Oreo up for sale. I planned on using him for showmanship, but he wont work for me. I also have 3 Dutch bucks, and i only want 2. Im getting out of Dutch, and im making Mini Lops my main fancy breed.
Wednesday, September 17, 2008
Bunny news......
Im running out of titles, so the title is kinda boring. Sadly we lost 2 more of Lacy's babies. :( Mine is still alive though. :) The rest of the bunnies are good. I gave Pluto away yesterday. He went to a great home. So i can keep Lucy Lop!!!! (Yes im gonna change his name). :) I dont think we are going to the 2009 Convention Sale. But if not we are going to Mini Lop Nationals 2009.
Sunday, September 14, 2008
Hi. There isnt much to talk about. The bunnies are all good. I forgot to mention that im also taking Nakita to the show in G.P. I will post in a couple days.
Saturday, September 13, 2008
The next show stopper
I choose my bunny from Lacy, even though they are really young, this little doe sticks out really well. So you can researve your rabbit now. You can email me at: to researve your baby bunny!
Pluto, Zambi, and Lucy Lop
Hi! Pluto, Zambi, and Lucy Lop are still up for sale. I would be more then happy to meet you at a show that im attending.
I have decided to make the trip to Mini Lop Nationals. Im also going to the double open show in Grants Pass September 27. Im considering going to the convention, if i go to the conventions, i might not go to Mini Lop Nationals. I still havent decided.
All the bunnies are good. Everybody is in a horrible molt! I hope they get a nice coat for the show in G.P. Im hoping i can bring my friend, and she can show her bunnies.
Well we are going fishing up at the lake today. I love fishing, so i hope i get something.
These are the rabbits im taking to the open show in G.P.
LHHR Exclusively Roman
LHHR Secret Score
Lucy Lop
I hope to do well with Thumper, this is his first show. I will post tommorow.
I have decided to make the trip to Mini Lop Nationals. Im also going to the double open show in Grants Pass September 27. Im considering going to the convention, if i go to the conventions, i might not go to Mini Lop Nationals. I still havent decided.
All the bunnies are good. Everybody is in a horrible molt! I hope they get a nice coat for the show in G.P. Im hoping i can bring my friend, and she can show her bunnies.
Well we are going fishing up at the lake today. I love fishing, so i hope i get something.
These are the rabbits im taking to the open show in G.P.
LHHR Exclusively Roman
LHHR Secret Score
Lucy Lop
I hope to do well with Thumper, this is his first show. I will post tommorow.
Friday, September 12, 2008
Good Morning! I wanted to tell my next show that I will be attending. ;) My next show is September 27 in Grants Pass. So far im taking: Thumper, Shasta, Roman, Secret Score, Lucy Lop, and Nakita. I was gonna take Lacy and Gracy, but you can only show purebreds. I still have to see which rabbit im gonna use for fur. Im not using Secret Score, or Shasta. This will be Lucy Lops last show. Im hoping i will have him sold before my next show. If not i will show him until he is sold. So if somebody wants him, I will gladly meet you at this coming show. I would also bring Pluto, if you wanted him. Im not showing Pluto, because of his bald spots. I will post later and tell you which rabbit im using for fur.
Thursday, September 11, 2008
Rest of the horses
Ok here is the rest of the horses.
Fancy: 8 year old Medicine Hat Paint mare. Fancy is a nice broodmare. Saphire gave her roaring, so i cant ride her as much as i would like. Fancy is actually my grandmas horse. We are leasing Fancy out soon.
Windancer: This is my baby! I love this horse! Windancer is a 4 month old Paint filly! Wind is Fancys baby. Im keeping Wind, and im very excited!
All the bunnies are doing good. We moved some around. Im trying to make a new site, but it wont let me publish. :( Oh well, i will figure it out! ;)
Fancy: 8 year old Medicine Hat Paint mare. Fancy is a nice broodmare. Saphire gave her roaring, so i cant ride her as much as i would like. Fancy is actually my grandmas horse. We are leasing Fancy out soon.
Windancer: This is my baby! I love this horse! Windancer is a 4 month old Paint filly! Wind is Fancys baby. Im keeping Wind, and im very excited!
All the bunnies are doing good. We moved some around. Im trying to make a new site, but it wont let me publish. :( Oh well, i will figure it out! ;)
Wednesday, September 10, 2008
Introduction To The Horses
Ok im gonna tell you a little bit about each horse of mine. Right now we have 6 horses.
Symphony: He is my very first horse. I've had him since I was eight, and im 13 now. Sym is a purebred Quarter Horse gelding. He is 26 years old and has arthritis. I can still ride and show him. I know he is the best horse in the world. I can promise you 1,010% NOTHING scares this horse. ;) This horse has taught me EVERYTHING about riding. How to hold on, how to move with my seat, and most importly how to give.
Hope: She is my second horse. I've had her for almost 4 years. Hope is a blind dapple gray welsh pony mare. I really like this little pony. She is not stubborn like most ponies. She is 18 right now. Im leasing her out to Hope Equestrian Center for disabled children. Im glad she is helping a little kid learn how to ride. This pony taught me how to learn to deal with a stubborn pony, and I learned to land on my feet!
Saphire: She was my 4th horse. I've had her for 4 months. Saphire is kinda stubborn, but i love her. Saphire is a 6 year old Quarter Horse/Arabian. This little horse is gonna teach me alot.
Bethany: She was my 3rd horse. Bethany is a 3 year old Minature Horse. I have had her for a year.
I will tell you the rest later right now i have to go. ;)
Symphony: He is my very first horse. I've had him since I was eight, and im 13 now. Sym is a purebred Quarter Horse gelding. He is 26 years old and has arthritis. I can still ride and show him. I know he is the best horse in the world. I can promise you 1,010% NOTHING scares this horse. ;) This horse has taught me EVERYTHING about riding. How to hold on, how to move with my seat, and most importly how to give.
Hope: She is my second horse. I've had her for almost 4 years. Hope is a blind dapple gray welsh pony mare. I really like this little pony. She is not stubborn like most ponies. She is 18 right now. Im leasing her out to Hope Equestrian Center for disabled children. Im glad she is helping a little kid learn how to ride. This pony taught me how to learn to deal with a stubborn pony, and I learned to land on my feet!
Saphire: She was my 4th horse. I've had her for 4 months. Saphire is kinda stubborn, but i love her. Saphire is a 6 year old Quarter Horse/Arabian. This little horse is gonna teach me alot.
Bethany: She was my 3rd horse. Bethany is a 3 year old Minature Horse. I have had her for a year.
I will tell you the rest later right now i have to go. ;)
Tuesday, September 9, 2008
Dutch Lops
Hi again. I got bored and decided to post a little more. :) I was planning on making a new breed called Dutch Lops. I planned on breeding for them in a couple weeks. Im kinda limeted on space to put babies right now, but im working on getting more cages. ;) So I will have to hold it off for a while. We are working on rearrageing some rabbits. I plan on moving all the meat breeds to one end of the barn, and moving the fancy breeds to the other end of the barn. Im also going to change to stacking cages. As soon as I get enough, im gonna move the old cages out, and put the new in. Im also hoping to get misters set up in the barn. Im hoping we will have them done by next summer.
Well i have to go to town to get some things for the horses and pigs.
Well i have to go to town to get some things for the horses and pigs.
Hot Weather Takes 3
Hello. Yesterday I went to take a peek at the bunnies, and the heat was to much for Lacys babies. :( I brought them inside to try to save them, but we lost 3. I went out this morning, and the rest are alive and well. So Lacy has 5 babies now. Im keeping a doe from this litter, so there will be 4 avaliable for sale.
Pluto, and Lucy Lop are afficaly for sale! Pluto is free to a good home, and Lucy Lop is $15. Im looking for a Mini Lop doe to replace Lucy Lop.
I will post in a couple days.
Pluto, and Lucy Lop are afficaly for sale! Pluto is free to a good home, and Lucy Lop is $15. Im looking for a Mini Lop doe to replace Lucy Lop.
I will post in a couple days.
Monday, September 8, 2008
Mini Lops
Hi. Sorry I havent posted for a while, I went to a wedding saturday, and didnt get home till sunday. The wedding was very fun. I went down to the river and caught some salamanders. I wanted to take a few home, but thought that i should wait until, i did some research about them. So i have decided i will just buy a couple at a pet store. ;)
All the bunnies are doing good. Lacy's litter is healthy and happy. Im keeping a doe from her litter. Pluto is up for sale. Very nice buck. ;)
Friday I was gonna breed Lucy Lop to LHHR Roman. I went to see if she was in heat, and turns out that Lucy Lop is a buck. :o I was kinda dissapointed, but oh well. So Lucy Lop is up for sale. Im looking for a doe to replace him.
I also got Secret Score from Lana on wendsday or thursday? She is a really nice doe! September 20 im breeding her to LHHR Roman.
Well I have to go, I will post in a couple days.
All the bunnies are doing good. Lacy's litter is healthy and happy. Im keeping a doe from her litter. Pluto is up for sale. Very nice buck. ;)
Friday I was gonna breed Lucy Lop to LHHR Roman. I went to see if she was in heat, and turns out that Lucy Lop is a buck. :o I was kinda dissapointed, but oh well. So Lucy Lop is up for sale. Im looking for a doe to replace him.
I also got Secret Score from Lana on wendsday or thursday? She is a really nice doe! September 20 im breeding her to LHHR Roman.
Well I have to go, I will post in a couple days.
Thursday, September 4, 2008
Pics Of The Bunnies

Here are some pictures of the bunnies. The first pic is of Gracy. The second pic is of Oreo. The 3rd pic is of Lacys baby. The fourth pic is of Nakita. The fifth pic is of Snowball. The 6th pic is of Roman. The seventh pic is of Thumper. The eight pic is of Snickerdoodles. The nighth pic is of Pluto. The tenth pic is of Buddy. The elventh pic is of Lucy Lop. The twelth pic is of Sweetpea. The 13th pic is of Shasta. And the last pic is of Harley.
Sorry i wasnt able to get a picture of Lacy. These arent the best pictures. All the rabbits are in a heavy molt. Lacy lost 3 babies. We miss counted Lacys number of babies, because she still has 8!
Tuesday, September 2, 2008
"Real" Bunny News
Hello everybody! Right now im gonna list names, and breeds of my rabbits, so you know what rabbits im talking about, when i talk about them.
Bucks: Thumper (Dutch), Buddy (Dutch), Oreo (Dutch), Roman (Mini Lop), Snickerdoodles (Satin), Pluto (Holand Lop), and Harley (New Zealand).
Does: Lacy (New Zealand/ Californian), Sweetpea (Dutch), Lucy Lop (Mini Lop), Shasta (Dutch), Zambi (Satin), SnowBall ( New Zealand), Gracy (New Zealand/ Californian), and Nakita (Champange De' Argent).
Lacy, had her babies a few days ago! There are 9 healthy babies! There dad is Harley. We are planning on breeding all the does except Shasta, Sweetpea, and Zambi.
We are also getting a new rabbit to Sunset Rabbitry thursday! Her name is Secret Score, and she is a Mini Lop. I would like to thank Lana of Hip Hoppin Rabbitry for selling me this awesome doe! Im going out to get pictures of everybody today, and i will post them on here tommorow. If anybody has any questions please email:
Bucks: Thumper (Dutch), Buddy (Dutch), Oreo (Dutch), Roman (Mini Lop), Snickerdoodles (Satin), Pluto (Holand Lop), and Harley (New Zealand).
Does: Lacy (New Zealand/ Californian), Sweetpea (Dutch), Lucy Lop (Mini Lop), Shasta (Dutch), Zambi (Satin), SnowBall ( New Zealand), Gracy (New Zealand/ Californian), and Nakita (Champange De' Argent).
Lacy, had her babies a few days ago! There are 9 healthy babies! There dad is Harley. We are planning on breeding all the does except Shasta, Sweetpea, and Zambi.
We are also getting a new rabbit to Sunset Rabbitry thursday! Her name is Secret Score, and she is a Mini Lop. I would like to thank Lana of Hip Hoppin Rabbitry for selling me this awesome doe! Im going out to get pictures of everybody today, and i will post them on here tommorow. If anybody has any questions please email:
Hi! Welcome to my first blog. My name is Kayla, and I own a rabbitry in Ruch, Oregon. Please visit my website at: I will post "real" news later. Thanks!
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