Baby Dutch

Baby Mini Lop

Baby New Zealand, with painted background. :)
Hi. Well, your probly wondering if I fell off the face of the earth.....NOPE. Well, this heat has been HORRIBLE!!! We lost 4 rabbits in 2 days because of it. We lost Nakita my Champange doe, Harley JR (my keeper NZ cross buck), and 2 New Zealand babies. :( So..RIP guys, we will miss you! :( We opened up the walls a little, and put the industrial fan in there. Its alot cooler now. These past few days have been alot cooler, like in the 80's so thats good. :) It is time for the Mini Lops, and New Zelands to be weaned..ALLREADY!! :O Lol. We painted a cool background for the bunnies pictures. Its really nice. The Netherland Dwarf cross leave tommorow, to the pet store, I know mean, but this guy takes really good care of them, and makes sure they find good homes. We might be getting another rabbit. A BEW Netherland Dwarf doe. If we can get transport then we will get her. ;) We got a new rabbit named Lilly. She is a Californian doe. She is a WITCH! When I got her she was very sweet, but she has MAJOR cage aggresive issues. So, we will see how long she sticks around. Well, thats all sorry. TTYL.