Minnie Mouse (First time setting up)

Kitty (on left) and Top Gunner (on right)

Kitty (Older BEW doe)

Baby Dutch/Netherland Dwarf, playing in the grass

Top Gunner (BEW Buck)

Baby DutchLop

Baby Dutch/Netherland Dwarf babies

Hi. Well the weather has been pretty nice these past couple days! I let some bunnies out to play in the grass, and took some pictures (above) of some of the babies, and my new BEW Netherland Dwarfs. =) I still have to try to clean out the rabbitry tommorow. Im hoping it will be another nice day, and I can get some organizing done. ;)
Well, we unfortunatly have some bad news....Bear is very sick. Last night, I went into the barn to feed, and she had her head pulled up against the door, kinda funny, so I kinda moved her back, and I let go, and she kinda stumbled, and something is wrong with her feet. She has the back ones all tucked under her, and her one front foot, is all turned up, and the other one, is very...................odd is the only word I have for it. I took her inside, and something is for sure wrong with her. She is breathing kinda funny, she wont eat anything, so she is VERY skinny. I got her to eat some blackberry leaves, and I gave her a cotton sweatshirt to sit on. I put some food there for her, it seems that she is not able to reach her head up to reach her feeder. She is drinking water though, so thats good. She is also peeing all over herself. Im really hoping its not something genetic, but thats the only thing I can come to, because there is no reson for her behavior. She seems to be in alot of pain, which makes it hard. Im trying to save her, but if she doesnt improve, im gonna have to put her down. Its not fair to let her suffer. If I could get her better, she would have to just be a pet. It breaks my heart, because she is such a sweetie, and is the best typed meat rabbit in the barn. =( Please send your prayers her way. =)
Today, also was the first day, all the water bottles froze (UGHHHH!!!) I hate it when that happens. I was able to open the door, and keep the light on, and they thawed out, so I hope that works for a little bit. =) I also updated everything on the website, so check it out! www.freewebs.com/sunsetrabbitry. Have a good day! Enjoy the pics! TTYL.