Hi. I cant come up with any good titles, lol. Im still pretty devastated about Cookie's litter..*sigh*. Im thinking, I might re-breed her tommorow, to Oreo. Black to Black...anybody want to make some predictions, on the colors of the babies?? Im thinking black (duh), and possibly tort, or blue. Im not sure about Cookie's parents, but Oreo's dad is a tort, and Oreo's mom is a blue. I was looking at Ash (my keeper from Secret Score) today, and it turns out, the "white" hairs, are gold. Lol. She is gonna pair up well with Oakey. Im hoping we can get her granded. It looks like the bunnies next show is Mini Lop Nationals (for the Mini Lops), and then fair, for everybody. We are still debating on going to ML Nationals, or not.
I have a bunch of new pics to show you, but I cant find the USB cord, to hook the camera up, to get the pics out. I hope I find it. I also cleaned out the rabbitry. I purchased a bale of PURE Alfalfa for the bunnies today. Very nice hay. I got a free bag of bedding, to try out, on the bunnies, and horse barns. It's only $3.99 a bag! Thats better then shavings!! I will end this post with a random pic. What is it?????? Lol. TTYL.
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