Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Bunny News

Hi. Well today Lucky is 8 days old! He is still alive, and doing great. My mom thought his eyes were trying to open, hehe. Well, im not sure I should keep Creampuff or give her another chance...what do you guys think?? She didn't produce anything chocolate (except that lilac is chocolate based), but that doesn't really count. Hmmm...

Im gonna clean the rabbitry today, and organize a little. Oh, and I also choose who is going to fair. Here they are:

*Secret Score
*My 3 Roasters
*My 3 Fryers
*Nakita(they talked me into this one)
*Harley(same as Nakita)
*Dutchess(Im showing her for a friend)

Well, they talked me into Nakita, and Harley. I dont know why I entered them, I already know what there gonna say, but oh well, who cares. They will say Harley is long in the shoulder. Actually...Nakita has never been shown, so she may do ok. TTYL.


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