Sunday, October 4, 2009


Hi. I just thought I would post some updates (nothing much). I haven't spent alot of time with the bunnies (I have been kind of sick). But lately I have been typing some of my Mini Lops. They are so pretty! But all in HORRIBLE molts. I must have gottonm like 3 big wads of hair off of Secret Score, before I had hair up my nose. Roman was being pretty good with posing. Ash is looking good! She is so pretty! And of course Oakey, is just a sweetie. I was holding him, and he was just like falling asleep. Such a cutie, lol. Well, Im gonna start going through the herd a little bit tommorow. Everybun could use some loves, and some brushing! Lol. I also plan to clean the rabbitry tommorow (Its a little over due). Uggggg...and I HATE spiders! I usually dont mind them, but they think its great to make webs, on the cages! Urggg, well tommorow, sadly the webs are going to go. Im also gonna try to get some pictures. :) TTYL.


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