Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Babies!! =D

Hi. So im not eggzagerating when I say I have "Bunnies coming out my ears!" Im very happy to say, all my does took, and had babies, except one (the litter I was really looking forward to). Cookie had a total for 9 babies (YIKES!), but 4 were still born, leaving her with 5. Sweetpea has 4 babies. Daisy has 3 babies (one looks JUST like Thumper, who I will be keeping). Cloud has 3 babies. Ash has 5 babies (3 solids, 2 brokens). Kitty never took, will be re breeding her tommorow. And Lacy has 10 babies (GEEZ!). Im glad the does had smaller litters, and that they are all doing well. Im really impressed with how good the new moms are. Ash is a AWESOME mom (I think I will end up making her a possible foster mom?) Cloud is very sweet, and takes good care of her babies. And as always Sweetpea, and Daisy take great care of there babies. Cookie, and Lacy seem to be grouchy. Cookie is SO SO SO protective. She attacks the hay/door, and she grunts, and tries to attack, when I pour her food in, or blow on her, for grunting. Oh well....Cookie will be gone soon enough. Hopefully I will have baby pictures to share very soon. =) TTYL.


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