Tuesday, May 4, 2010


Hi. =] I am going to register with the ANDRC (American Netherland Dwarf Rabbit Club). I am excited! I plan to just raise Netherland Dwarfs, in BEW and Otter. And I will keep Ash and Oakey for a litter of Mini Lops occasionally. =] Other then that, it will all be ND's, and Meat breeds. I will still have Shasta and Buddy, and I'm thinking of selling Sweetpea, but I'm not sure yet. I'm also going to purchase an apron from the ANDRC. =DDDD
Ash has only 4 live babies now. I don't know what happened to the 5th one, but there is now 2 solids, and 2 brokens. 2 does are reserved, and I have another lady interested in 1. So they are going very quick, lol. Have a nice day! =]


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