Sunday, June 28, 2009


Hi. This isnt a good picture, but this is Thumper. Thumper was my baby. I loved him to no end. Anyways, he passed away this friday, of unknown causes. I pray he flew up to heaven on the wings of angels. :) R.I.P my baby boy!!!! You will NEVER be forgotten!! :( ) Congrats to Thumper on his blue ribbon at fair. :)
All the baby bunnies are good. I dont really fell like posting. So, TTYL.

Monday, June 22, 2009

New News

Hi. I went camping over the weekend it was fun!!! My grandma watched the animals while we were gone. Well, I guess after we left, she went to the rabbitry, and Oreo was found dead in his cage. :( She said he looked fine, he had food and water, she said it looked like he went to sleep and didnt get back up. So, im puzzled. I miss him, but luckily we have some babies from him. When I came home Shasta's runt was dead (and they had just opened there eyes). :( But Shasta has 2 golds and 1 tort. BUT....we did have a couple litters over the weekend!!!! Creampuff had 7 babies, all Lilacs. :) And Melody had 5. :) They are so sweet!!! :D Im not sure if I told you or not but a while ago, I had to give Charlie back, there was a misunderstanding. Well, the owner of Charlie broke up with Sams dad, so we got Charlie back, and there wont be any more misunderstandings. ;) I also cleaned the rabbitry today. I got a 3 hole stacker, and some more carrying cages. Well, I plan to get some pics of the babies tonight, and post them sometime maybe tommorow. :) TTYL.


Friday, June 12, 2009


Hi. Well, Shasta had 5 babies on Sunday (i think) afternoon. 4 are still alive, the 5th one just disapeered. There are 2 golds, and 2 torts. 3 of them are HUGE, 1 of them is TINY, like the size of my pinky. The little runt, is just as strong though. ;) Bear never had babies, she misscarried. Creampuff and Melody get there boxes tuesday. Well, I have to go do some chores. TTYL.


Thursday, June 4, 2009

Fair Results......

Hi. Sorry it took me so long to get on here, I have been busy. Anyways, heres the results:
Bear: Grand Champion
Snickerdoodles: Blue
Melody: Blue, Red in fur
Dutchess: Blue, Red In Fur
Nakita: Blue (judge REALLY liked her, lost to color of coat)
Roasters: Researve Champion
Fryers: Didnt make weight :(
Oakey: Researve Champion
Creampuff: Blue
Buddy: Blue
Ash: Blue
Secret Score: Went over weight..white
Roman: Went over weight..white
Blue: Blue (Judge REALLY liked him, lost to lack of maturity)

I got a blue in showmanship, and got called back, into the 2nd round. I think I lost due to my lack of the hard knowlege. On sunday, I walked over to my bunnies, and Bear was pulling HAIR! I had put her in with Charlie, but nothing happened. (Or so i thought). So, I took her home, and canceled her BIS class. Well, I think she misscarried *urgg*. Charlie had to go back home, Angela wanted him back. Oh, and Sam got Grand Champion in showmanship. Marvin got a white. She did really well for her first year. ;) We also came home with a few bunnies, lol. Even though we said we wouldnt, we did. Sam agreed to let all the bunnies stay at her house, though. ;) Sam got 2 Himilayian/Mini Rex, 1 Netherland Dwarf, 1 Mini Rex buck, and 1 Mini Rex doe. I got 1 Mini Rex buck, named Silver. :) I was gonna get a Jersey Wooly, but he got sold. :( This lady's name was Margret. She gave us all these bunnies for free. :D I also went over to her house Monday to pick up a Netherland Dwarf doe with a one week old litter of crossbreed babies. The doe is all black, she is sweet. (The lady said she was mean). I also got her for free. Here's the story:

Me and my grandma went over to her house (FYI: This lady and daughter are moving to Virginia this week). We went into her rabbitry, and it was HORRIBLE! These were nice stacking cages, and here trays were a foot deep with manure. The bunnies looked like (TAKE ME HOME!), Plus the cages were COVERED with cobwebs, you could hardly see the bunnies, AND NONE of the bunnies had food or water. The lady hands me the doe, and she is SKIN AND BONES! SKINNY! The lady was like: "She is gonna be a little skinny, cause of her babies". Im sorry but a doe cant be as skinny as she was, just from a litter! So, we took her home, and her nestbox had 7 babies in it. 5 white, 2 brown. Very cute. Her nestbox SMEllED BAD! So, we put all the babies in another nestbox. She got LOTS of food, hay, and water. She is happy now. Her babies have there eyes open. :D I gave Shasta her nestbox today. She is due Saturday. This will be her last litter, before retirement. :) TTYL.
