Hi. This isnt a good picture, but this is Thumper. Thumper was my baby. I loved him to no end. Anyways, he passed away this friday, of unknown causes. I pray he flew up to heaven on the wings of angels. :) R.I.P my baby boy!!!! You will NEVER be forgotten!! :( ) Congrats to Thumper on his blue ribbon at fair. :)
All the baby bunnies are good. I dont really fell like posting. So, TTYL.
I'm so sorry about Thumper, and Oreo too. I'm sure they're happy in bunny heaven, making new friends and having fun in the sun. Hugs to you, we'll be thinking of you and your bunnies.
Ya its so odd to, because Thumper was Oreo's dad. Hugs back to you as well. Thanks.
Owh, i'm so sorry about Thumper :(
Binky free, Thumper~
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