Friday, June 12, 2009


Hi. Well, Shasta had 5 babies on Sunday (i think) afternoon. 4 are still alive, the 5th one just disapeered. There are 2 golds, and 2 torts. 3 of them are HUGE, 1 of them is TINY, like the size of my pinky. The little runt, is just as strong though. ;) Bear never had babies, she misscarried. Creampuff and Melody get there boxes tuesday. Well, I have to go do some chores. TTYL.



Anonymous said...

i wud like to see the babies' photos. have any?

Anonymous said...

Yay for Shasta and her babies! Sorry 1 went missing.. wonder what happened to it? And all the best to the runt, may he/she grow up strong and healthy :)

~Kayla said...

No, not yet, no photos. The little runt died. :(