Can you see the little gray bunny in there?

Such a Cutie


Look how cute I am!
Hi. Well, not much as been happening lately. But, for some reason, I felt the need to post one. But, this is gonna be Gracy's special post. Since I love Gracy VERY much, and she is my favorite. She is SO sweet, and LOVES kids, and anyone who will love her, and rub her sweet little head. But, mostly she is the one I thrive to see when I walk into the rabbitry. She loves her babies, and will take on anyones babies, hands down, and not think twice. She is the perfect mother. Although she is nearing retirement, I know she will allways take babies, when I need her to. Everytime I pet her babies, she comes up, and gives me kisses. I recently found some baby pictures of Gracy(pictured above). When she was born, she was gray, not white, gray. As time went on, she went white. I can rember taking some baby bunnies to the local feed store, to sell. And these people wanted more then I had. So I gave them my #, and said call me, and you can come pick some out. Well, there daughter wanted a really sweet one. I thought of Gracy. I told her I had a really sweet bunny, I would sell her. Well, they never called, and now, Im REALLY glad they didnt. =) Pictures are up top.
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