Hi. I have decided today to post about my retired buns, and what I do when summer comes around. To start, I do keep some bunnies, to retire. I only have 4. Only one of them is really retired, the other 3 have a guarnteed spot here. First off is Shasta, she is my very first rabbit ever. She is a absoult love. She hates plastic bowls. She is retired.
Second is Buddy. Buddy is my last baby from Thumper, and Thumper was my best bunny friend. Buddy is just like his dad. Just a sweetie. Of course he will never replace Thumper.
Third is Harley. Harley is just a special bun. I hate it when he chews on the wire, but it ammuses me to see him look at me like he knows he isnt supposed to be doing it. He knows his name, and is about the most annoying bun ever. But I love him very much, and he is always my first to greet me, and tell me he is about to start chewing. Such a ham..
Fourth is Gracy. Gracy is just Gracy. She is gonna have 1 more litter, then she is done. She loves about anything you give her food wise. She is a blackberry leave addict, and a cuddler. =]
As far as hot summer weather goes..it is very hard to keep buns happy in the heat. I litterally soak my bunnies with a hose to keep them cool. Frozen bottles, and boards are a pain. Soaking them is much better. I do it several times a day. I mainly get there ears, and body. I dont do there face, or nose. Theres my secret! =]