Top Gunner (up above)

Minnie Mouse (up above) being a butt to pose

Blue Boy (up above)
Well, I am happy to post that RBTD Kitty, had 1 BEW baby last Sunday night. =D Since there is only one, and it was kind of cold at the time, I brought them both inside. Kitty seems to be taking good care of him, and hopefully this will be a nice addition to the BEW program.
But sadly, Minnie Mouse went blind in one eye. She for sure cant see out of it, and its fogged over. So Im putting Terimyacin in her eye 3X's a day. Hopefully this will get rid of it. If not, I will have to scratch her from my fair entry. =(
I have a person who is going to buy my rabbit poop everytime I have some. He has a garden shop, and sells rabbit manure. So that will be good. =]
And here is my offical fair entry:
Blue Boy
Minnie Mouse (pending)
Buddy (for showmanship, and breed judging)
LHHR Secret Score
Sunset's Ash
Hoppin's Oakey
LHHR Exclusively Roman
Precious Jewells Top Gunner
And my cross bred show doe, who doesnt have a name yet, lol. =]
Speaking of my cross bred show doe, she got tatoo'd last saturday. She was the only bunny who needed tatoo'd.
I was going to show Kitty, but she has gone "broody" and wont be any real competion.
BYE, BYE!!!!!! =D
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