Tuesday, April 6, 2010


Hi. =] Im very excited for April 18th. You know why?? Because my BEW Netherland Dwarf is due. She is looking prego (which im happy about). Hopefully there will be some nice looking babies in there!
I put Roman and Secret Score (Mini Lops) for sale. I have decided to just keep a breeding pair (Oakey, and Ash) to breed for ocasional pet litters. Both Roman and Secret are pedigreed, and registered with ARBA. Secret has 1 leg, and Roman has won BOS at my county fair. Im asking $100 for the pair. I will seperate if you would like. They produce nice babies together though.
I sold Cloud (Dutch) a couple days ago. She went to a girl in my 4-H club for a showmanship rabbit. She is a sweetie, so she should do well with her.
I have decided since im gonna be focusing on my Netherland's, I will only be keeping 3 Dutch. Shasta, Sweetpea, and Buddy. I will work on moving my bunnies today, so I can have them more organized.
It may seem mean to some viewers, but since I couldnt sell Brownie, he was butchered with my meat litter of 4 from Gracy. He was kind of a crazy buck. Cookie will also be going that way, when my 9 meat babies from Lacy are ready to be procesed. Cookie is a real mean rabbit. You cant even touch her without her trying to attack you, so I dont feel right trying to sell her for a pet home.
Have a nice day!! TTYL. =]


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