Saturday, January 24, 2009

Bunny News

Hi. Sweetpea is getting skinny (again). She always gets really skinny when on a litter. So im shoveing food down her. Her not having enough milk was the promblem last time. Now its her being skinny. Im feeding her lots of pellets, grass, hay, and oats, muliple times a day. Hopefully she will start to gain some.
Well, I made my decsions on the baby bunnies. Im keeping Sunsets's Ash, a solid gold tipped steel Mini Lop doe. She looks NICE! And, Bear a Californian/NZ/Satin doe. She is kinda a gray gold tipped steel, but part of her is gold tipped steel. But, im keeping her for breeding only, and she will be a spoiled pet. TTYL.


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