Thursday, April 23, 2009


Hi. Tuesday night Lucky started having seizures (i think), and was crying. :( My mom brought him out to feed him, and all the sudden he went into the "dead limp", but we brought him back, and he started having little seizures. Like he would act all hungry, then he would go all bad, and stuff like that. Anyways we lost him Wendsday morning. He died peacefully, and not in pain, so that makes me feel a little better. I just find it weird that it happend when he was 8 days old, and not 2-3 days old. Hmm. But tommorow is a bunny ceromony for Lucky, on this blog. So check it out sometime tommorow. TTYL.



Anonymous said...

Oh no.. we're so sorry about Lucky! Rest in peace, little one.

~Kayla said...

Its ok. Thanks.