Hi. Well, as 2009 wines down to an end, I think of how blessed I am in all I do. I have done very well with my rabbits, and horses. I plan to work harder to do better with my pigs (show wise), but I feel I have done well. Here are some of my rabbit New Year Resolutions:
1) Cut Back On Rabbits, That I Dont Need
2) Improve on type in my rabbits
3) Attend more shows
Thats basically it in rabbits. Have A Happy New Year!!! =]
Thursday, December 31, 2009
Wednesday, December 23, 2009
Christmas is just around the corner....

Can you see the little gray bunny in there?

Such a Cutie


Look how cute I am!
Hi. Well, not much as been happening lately. But, for some reason, I felt the need to post one. But, this is gonna be Gracy's special post. Since I love Gracy VERY much, and she is my favorite. She is SO sweet, and LOVES kids, and anyone who will love her, and rub her sweet little head. But, mostly she is the one I thrive to see when I walk into the rabbitry. She loves her babies, and will take on anyones babies, hands down, and not think twice. She is the perfect mother. Although she is nearing retirement, I know she will allways take babies, when I need her to. Everytime I pet her babies, she comes up, and gives me kisses. I recently found some baby pictures of Gracy(pictured above). When she was born, she was gray, not white, gray. As time went on, she went white. I can rember taking some baby bunnies to the local feed store, to sell. And these people wanted more then I had. So I gave them my #, and said call me, and you can come pick some out. Well, there daughter wanted a really sweet one. I thought of Gracy. I told her I had a really sweet bunny, I would sell her. Well, they never called, and now, Im REALLY glad they didnt. =) Pictures are up top.
Monday, December 21, 2009
Loads of cute babies on the way! =)
Hi. So, as you can probly guess from my title, we have TONS of babies on the way! Every single one of my does (except Melody) are bred! =O Seems like a nice way to kick off the year! Here are the does I bred:
Cookie X Charlie
Sweetpea X Top Gunner
Daisy X Buddy
Cloud X Buddy
Ash X Oakey
Kitty X Top Gunner
Lacy X Harley......
and soon to be Secret Score X Blue
So LOTS of babies coming. They are all gonna be in time for Easter. The pet store I sell to, says they will take LOTS of babies on Easter. =) Im SO excited. Although, I have decided to cut back my numbers pretty good. Im planning to just keep the Dutch I have, and maybe sell some Mini Lops? Im looking to get more into my Dutch and Netherland Dwarfs. Im thinking of this spring/summer (pending on how many bunnies I cut back on), bringing in a nice Dutch doe, marked nice, with good type. We will see what the future holds.
I have been cleaning cages lately. Tommorow im gonna get some horse feed, and a couple bales of straw. Im also gonna clean out the rabbitry, again. And hopefully do some brushing/nail trimming/vent cleaning. ;) So, tommorow is dedicaded to the bunnies.
Gracy has 4 babies. She had 5, but we lost one due to the cold. She has been keeping them very fat, and I make sure I cover them with LOTS of hair/straw. Melody never took. I think its because she is a little to fat. So, im gonna get her to lose some weight, and breed her in January for Roasters, for fair. Hopefully Gracy will be able to take on another litter, for Febuary fryers. If I dont find another meat doe, that is. If not, I will have to deal with my roasters. =) Im thinking I may have to buy more nest boxes, in order to house all these babies. =) Im also gonna start collecting the hair I get from the bunnies, to put in with the babies, to keep them extra warm. I will probly purchase my nest boxes from Nui Kai, they have nice big nest boxes, and they sell them for pretty cheap, because they have a hard time getting rid of them. =) I was also able to get a couple dwarf size nest boxes. =) MERRY CHRISTMAS!! =)
~Kayla & All The Bunnies~
Cookie X Charlie
Sweetpea X Top Gunner
Daisy X Buddy
Cloud X Buddy
Ash X Oakey
Kitty X Top Gunner
Lacy X Harley......
and soon to be Secret Score X Blue
So LOTS of babies coming. They are all gonna be in time for Easter. The pet store I sell to, says they will take LOTS of babies on Easter. =) Im SO excited. Although, I have decided to cut back my numbers pretty good. Im planning to just keep the Dutch I have, and maybe sell some Mini Lops? Im looking to get more into my Dutch and Netherland Dwarfs. Im thinking of this spring/summer (pending on how many bunnies I cut back on), bringing in a nice Dutch doe, marked nice, with good type. We will see what the future holds.
I have been cleaning cages lately. Tommorow im gonna get some horse feed, and a couple bales of straw. Im also gonna clean out the rabbitry, again. And hopefully do some brushing/nail trimming/vent cleaning. ;) So, tommorow is dedicaded to the bunnies.
Gracy has 4 babies. She had 5, but we lost one due to the cold. She has been keeping them very fat, and I make sure I cover them with LOTS of hair/straw. Melody never took. I think its because she is a little to fat. So, im gonna get her to lose some weight, and breed her in January for Roasters, for fair. Hopefully Gracy will be able to take on another litter, for Febuary fryers. If I dont find another meat doe, that is. If not, I will have to deal with my roasters. =) Im thinking I may have to buy more nest boxes, in order to house all these babies. =) Im also gonna start collecting the hair I get from the bunnies, to put in with the babies, to keep them extra warm. I will probly purchase my nest boxes from Nui Kai, they have nice big nest boxes, and they sell them for pretty cheap, because they have a hard time getting rid of them. =) I was also able to get a couple dwarf size nest boxes. =) MERRY CHRISTMAS!! =)
~Kayla & All The Bunnies~
Wednesday, December 16, 2009
Hi. Well, im starting to feel a little better about Bear. But, I wont bore you, and rant on about her. =) Well, I got some bunnies bred yesterday. =) I bred Cookie to Charlie, and Ash to Oakey. I tried to breed my BEW doe, but she wasnt giving, and she wasnt today either. I will try her again tommorow, im gonna leave the lights on in the barn, as soon as it starts to get dark. If that doesnt work (hopefully it will). I will tease her a little bit. TTYL.
Thursday, December 10, 2009
New News
Hi. Sorry I havent posted lately. I have been a little torn by having to put Bear down. Its just not the same in my little rabbitry. All my bunnies love me, and get excited when they see me, but I cant help but sigh when I look in Bears empty cage. =( It will probly take a little bit for me to get over my little baby. Im almost afraid to keep anything from Snickerdoodle. I LOVE his babies, and I hope he isnt passing something bad onto his children. Its just kind of funny, because my friend took a black doe (bears sister), and she died to un known causes. We just assumed from the heat, but now I kinda wonder.
Things have been pretty good in the rabbitry. Although the froozen water bottles were getting to be a pain, so we took them all off, and gave everyone crocks. We bought a de-freezer for the horse trough, and wrapped one of my pigs waterer with insulation, and put heat tape on the nozzel. My sows water is automatic, so we just put heat tape on it, to keep it from freezing. =)
Last Sunday, I got Daisy bred!! =D She would not give to Blue, so I let Buddy breed her, somebody has to breed that stubborn little girl, lol. TTYL.
Things have been pretty good in the rabbitry. Although the froozen water bottles were getting to be a pain, so we took them all off, and gave everyone crocks. We bought a de-freezer for the horse trough, and wrapped one of my pigs waterer with insulation, and put heat tape on the nozzel. My sows water is automatic, so we just put heat tape on it, to keep it from freezing. =)
Last Sunday, I got Daisy bred!! =D She would not give to Blue, so I let Buddy breed her, somebody has to breed that stubborn little girl, lol. TTYL.
Thursday, December 3, 2009
RIP Bear
Hi. Well, yesterday I went out to feed, and Bear was ok. But I was going around feeding them, and she flopped on her side, and couldnt get up, and was flailing trying to get up. I couldnt stand to see her like that anymore, all the pain it must cause her, so I had my dad put her down today. Her last memories were good ones, I had him let her out, to eat lots of grass, and she got to run around a bit (freely), and she didnt know what hit her. She is in a much better place now. Even though I miss her lots, its not fair for her to feel pain, because I dont want to say goodbye. In a way it makes me almost mad, because, I was gonna breed her for my fryers/roasters for fair. Cause she was the best looking bun in the barn. Gracy and Melody are already bred, and will probly be too late to have babies in time for fair (could be wrong). That leaves me left with Lacy. She is a really nice doe, dont get me wrong, but bred to Harley, they tend to have a little long of a shoulder. So, im gonna search around for a REALLY nice Ex Show doe, and breed her.
Well, thats my news, sorry it was kinda sad, but thats all I have to say. TTYL.
Well, thats my news, sorry it was kinda sad, but thats all I have to say. TTYL.
Sunday, November 29, 2009
Sad News...and some good news

Minnie Mouse (First time setting up)

Kitty (on left) and Top Gunner (on right)

Kitty (Older BEW doe)

Baby Dutch/Netherland Dwarf, playing in the grass

Top Gunner (BEW Buck)

Baby DutchLop

Baby Dutch/Netherland Dwarf babies

Hi. Well the weather has been pretty nice these past couple days! I let some bunnies out to play in the grass, and took some pictures (above) of some of the babies, and my new BEW Netherland Dwarfs. =) I still have to try to clean out the rabbitry tommorow. Im hoping it will be another nice day, and I can get some organizing done. ;)
Well, we unfortunatly have some bad news....Bear is very sick. Last night, I went into the barn to feed, and she had her head pulled up against the door, kinda funny, so I kinda moved her back, and I let go, and she kinda stumbled, and something is wrong with her feet. She has the back ones all tucked under her, and her one front foot, is all turned up, and the other one, is very...................odd is the only word I have for it. I took her inside, and something is for sure wrong with her. She is breathing kinda funny, she wont eat anything, so she is VERY skinny. I got her to eat some blackberry leaves, and I gave her a cotton sweatshirt to sit on. I put some food there for her, it seems that she is not able to reach her head up to reach her feeder. She is drinking water though, so thats good. She is also peeing all over herself. Im really hoping its not something genetic, but thats the only thing I can come to, because there is no reson for her behavior. She seems to be in alot of pain, which makes it hard. Im trying to save her, but if she doesnt improve, im gonna have to put her down. Its not fair to let her suffer. If I could get her better, she would have to just be a pet. It breaks my heart, because she is such a sweetie, and is the best typed meat rabbit in the barn. =( Please send your prayers her way. =)
Today, also was the first day, all the water bottles froze (UGHHHH!!!) I hate it when that happens. I was able to open the door, and keep the light on, and they thawed out, so I hope that works for a little bit. =) I also updated everything on the website, so check it out! www.freewebs.com/sunsetrabbitry. Have a good day! Enjoy the pics! TTYL.
Monday, November 23, 2009
Almost Thanksgiving!
Hi. Well, Thanksgiving is right around the corner!! I love Thanksgiving, its so much fun!
All the bunnies have been doing great. Daisy is being SO stubborn to breed. She wont lift. She sits still, but refuses to lift. Minnie (my youngest BEW Netherland Dwarf) is doing good. She is still inside.
I plan to get some pictures when its sunny out. ;)
All the bunnies have been doing great. Daisy is being SO stubborn to breed. She wont lift. She sits still, but refuses to lift. Minnie (my youngest BEW Netherland Dwarf) is doing good. She is still inside.
I plan to get some pictures when its sunny out. ;)
Sunday, November 15, 2009

A baby Mini Lop

A baby Dutch

A little Holiday picture, with Shasta, Gracy, and Thumper
Hi. Well, none of my meat doe's ever had babies. :( I dont know what the deal is. *Sighs* Im gonna re-breed Gracy, and breed Melody. Lacy needs to lose some weight, and Gracy maybe could too, but Bear needs to gain weight, and Melody is perfect. Im also gonna atempt to breed Daisy to my new BEW buck. I want to see if she is a VM doe. Im also gonna clean the rabbitry, and organize *hopefully*. I also plan to work with my horses (all of them). Well, better get started. TTYL. Oh, and I put some random pictures up, lol. (They are old pics).
Tuesday, November 10, 2009
New Bunnies!!
Hi. Well, we just got our new bunnies! They are all BEW Netherland Dwarfs. 2 does, and 1 buck. AND..............THEY ARE PEDIGREED!! I was only gonna get the one buck, and doe. But I picked out a...she must only be like 5 weeks old (the lady weans them to early) little doe. She is VERY VERY VERY small, and skinny, so the lady was afraid she might not live, so she through in the older BEW doe just in case. So far so good. They are all VERY sweet. :) I would highly recommend her. Im not sure if she weans them early, or if they are just really that small, lol. Well, I named the younger BEW doe Minnie Mouse (Minnie). I named the Older BEW doe Kitty (she came with that name). I'm choosing between a few different names for the buck. Either...... Siskyou, Summit Up, Jack Frost, or Top Gunner. I will choose soon. :) These are ALL SHOW QUALITY BEW. Im really excited! The older doe, has already had a litter of 6, with one BEW doe in the litter.
I plan to clean out the rabbitry tommorow. I will get pics tommorow. TTYL.
I plan to clean out the rabbitry tommorow. I will get pics tommorow. TTYL.
Tuesday, November 3, 2009
Hi. :) Well, Im very excited to have babies here, with more on the way! :D Sweetpea has 3 babies, 1 blue, and 2 gray. Secret still has her 5 little babies. Most of them have white spots on them, so they wont be showable, but Dutchlops will need some help in type, lol. All of SS are Chesnut. Of course babies are ADORABLE, but every now and then, one little baby captures your heart. Well, one has caputured mine. :) It's one of Sweetpeas, and he is a steel, he is mis marked, but has the SWEETEST personalty! He is the only one I hold, and give kisses, and he doesnt "popcorn" lol. I put him in my sweatshirt pocket, and carry him around with me when im feeding. :) His name is Stripey. Lol, silly name, but it fits him well. ;) I will keep him as my pet, and most likely sell Charlie. I love Charlie, and will try to find some way to keep him. I love all my buns, and have to try REALLY hard to not cry when they go to new homes, they are my babies, and are always loved. Shasta got some special love yesterday, and so did Gracy. These are probly 2 of my fav does in the barn, (shhhhh! Dont tell the others!) Shasta, and Gracy are for sure here to stay, they have more than enough earned there stay here. :) In fact looking at pictures yesterday I found some baby pictures of Gracy, she was SO SO SO cute as a baby! She was like a smoke gray color when she was a baby, and it slowly went away. I have to go. TTYL.
Monday, October 26, 2009
Hi. Well, Sweetpea had 5 babies sunday. One was a runt, and got sqwished tonight. :( So Sweetpea has 4 babies. There looks to be some steels, and maybe a couple blues.? Secret Score had her babies today. I didn't really "count" them, because Im not sure if she was done, she was a little upset. But It felt like she had about 5. So smaller litters, but thats good, because I haven't had any luck selling rabbits lately, plus we are getting 1 maybe 2 ND's in November. So, I need cage space, im moving out alot of GOOD either already breeding stock, or has great potenial to be good breeding stock. Well, thats all for today. :) TTYL.
Sunday, October 25, 2009
Babies Are On The Way!
Hi. Well, Sweetpea was nesting and pulling hair yesterday, and she should have them today, (or maybe there already here, I havent checked yet). Im SO excited! I havent had baby bunnies all summer! Oh, and Secret Score had some hair pulled yesterday, and she had made a little nest. She isnt due until tommorow though. I also cleaned out the rabbitry yesterday. I sprayed down the trays, and they will go back in this afternoon, I dont want to upset Sweetpea if she is having babies. Well, I will post a blog probly tommorow, with hopefully 2 litters to talk about. WEEEEEE!!!!!! TTYL.
Saturday, October 17, 2009
News. . . . .
Hi. Well, I cleaned out the rabbitry. Im gonna hopefully clean it out again today. ;) Nothing much has been going on here. I bred Gracy to Harley (I might have metioned it in the last post). I tried to hand breed Lacy and Bear, but they were being STUBBORN! So, I left Lacy in with Harley overnight, and Bear in with Charlie overnight. I want to get a litter out of Charlie. Im considering selling a few rabbits I dont want to sell. Charlie is one of them, he is my pet bunny, but I have come to find out he is kinda timid, and tense, which is ok. But I would like to be able to take my pet bunny places, and it does fine. I took Buddy with me once up to the lake, to ride in our boat. And he was fine, and had fun. :) I really like Jersey Woolies, and fuzzy breeds. I would like to try one as a pet. I almost got a JW buck at Fair, but the owner, let someone else take him, because my mom was still thinking about it. Oh, well. Im also considering letting my young Dutch doe Cloud go. She is a very nice doe! Besides Shasta, the best doe in the rabbitry, markings, and type wise. She is a little un-even in her cheeks, but its ok. Im thinking about keeping her a little longer, and maybe taking her to fair, to see how she does. Another doe is Ash one of my ML's. I LOVE this doe! She is very sweet, but has awesome type! She is almost a year old, and has never been bred (sad). So, Im thinking of letting her go.
This Nov. we are gonna go down to Reno, NV to see Clinton Anderson (a horse trainer) Clinic. We are gonna go to Auburn, CA sometime while we are there, and get my BEW ND doe. And possibly a buck. :D There owner is VERY VERY VERY nice! I highly reccomend her! She is honest, and won't sell you a rabbit she wouldn't want to keep her self. Her name is Tamara (I think i spelt it right). Her website is: preciousjewellsrabbitry.com (I think).
On another note, the rabbits coats are HORRIBLE, they are ALL molting REALLY REALLY bad! I bought some oats, Im gonna see if it will help bring a nice coat to them, it has in the past. Well, TTYL.
This Nov. we are gonna go down to Reno, NV to see Clinton Anderson (a horse trainer) Clinic. We are gonna go to Auburn, CA sometime while we are there, and get my BEW ND doe. And possibly a buck. :D There owner is VERY VERY VERY nice! I highly reccomend her! She is honest, and won't sell you a rabbit she wouldn't want to keep her self. Her name is Tamara (I think i spelt it right). Her website is: preciousjewellsrabbitry.com (I think).
On another note, the rabbits coats are HORRIBLE, they are ALL molting REALLY REALLY bad! I bought some oats, Im gonna see if it will help bring a nice coat to them, it has in the past. Well, TTYL.
Sunday, October 4, 2009
Hi. I just thought I would post some updates (nothing much). I haven't spent alot of time with the bunnies (I have been kind of sick). But lately I have been typing some of my Mini Lops. They are so pretty! But all in HORRIBLE molts. I must have gottonm like 3 big wads of hair off of Secret Score, before I had hair up my nose. Roman was being pretty good with posing. Ash is looking good! She is so pretty! And of course Oakey, is just a sweetie. I was holding him, and he was just like falling asleep. Such a cutie, lol. Well, Im gonna start going through the herd a little bit tommorow. Everybun could use some loves, and some brushing! Lol. I also plan to clean the rabbitry tommorow (Its a little over due). Uggggg...and I HATE spiders! I usually dont mind them, but they think its great to make webs, on the cages! Urggg, well tommorow, sadly the webs are going to go. Im also gonna try to get some pictures. :) TTYL.
Tuesday, September 29, 2009
No Babies. . . .
Hi. Well, I have been so busy I have forgotten to post blogs! Lol, well im not sure if I posted it or not, but I bred Gracy, Lacy, and Bear in August (I think I did post it). Well, they are all at LEAST 3 days over due, and NO babies......hmmm. I cant palpate my meat does very well, so im gonna have my mom *try* to palpate them, if she doesnt feel anything, I will rebreed them tonight, when its cooler. Speaking of breeding, I bred Sweetpea to Blue (weird cross, tell you later), and Secret Score to Buddy, for our FIRST batch of Dutch Lops! :D I tryed, and tryed to breed my ND doe to Blue, but she was not giving very well, so I just decided to breed Sweetpea, who was very much in heat, and made it easier for Blues first time breeding a doe. Im still gonna put a box in with the ND doe, just in case. ;) Well, thats all for now. TTYL. Oh, I updated the site.
Friday, September 11, 2009
Meat....Or Fancy?
Hi. I thought I would post a blog about personal opions about Meat Rabbits, and what we call "Fancy" Rabbits. I love all my Fancy breeds for there type, and temperment, but when it comes down to it, in this economy, they dont sell as well. Meat rabbits are awesome.
Meat Rabbits are awesome. Great type, and temperment. Even if they dont sell for meat (which about 99% of the time they do), we still can eat them our selfs. It may sound....mean...horrible...or disquisting to butcher rabbits, but its not that bad. Its quick and painless to a rabbit, and they dont know its coming. So, me and dad are trying to work towards GOOD type on my meat rabbits right now. Since at fair if your Fryer or Roaster pen wins, and gets to go to auction, you usually get at least $1000 for 3 rabbits. Thats over $300 a rabbit! I will take that!!! Lol. Just thought I would post my opion.
Please dont feel ofended, if you dont like that we butcher rabbits...thanks.
~Kayla :)
Meat Rabbits are awesome. Great type, and temperment. Even if they dont sell for meat (which about 99% of the time they do), we still can eat them our selfs. It may sound....mean...horrible...or disquisting to butcher rabbits, but its not that bad. Its quick and painless to a rabbit, and they dont know its coming. So, me and dad are trying to work towards GOOD type on my meat rabbits right now. Since at fair if your Fryer or Roaster pen wins, and gets to go to auction, you usually get at least $1000 for 3 rabbits. Thats over $300 a rabbit! I will take that!!! Lol. Just thought I would post my opion.
Please dont feel ofended, if you dont like that we butcher rabbits...thanks.
~Kayla :)
Tuesday, September 1, 2009
Almost Autumn!
Hi. I cant believe fall is just around the corner! This heat doesn't make it any eaiser to believe. Where did July go? Well, we haven't lost any more rabbits. It has been in the mid 80's lately, so thats good. About a week ago I bred, Lacy, Gracy, and Bear. Lacy and Gracy were bred to Harley, and Bear, was bred to Snickerdoodles. So around late September we will have more babies! :D I decided to talk a little bit about rabbits that we want to keep forever, to live out there days at the rabbitry. Well, I have made my decisions, on who is so far worthy enough to stay here. ;)
*Oakey. Oakey is a real sweetie. He loves head rubs, and to be held and loved. Even though he has only sired a couple litters, his personalty lets him stay. I made a mistake breeding him to Creampuff, and the babies aren't that great. I plan to breed him to Secret Score, as they complement each other well. ;)
*Buddy. Buddy is my showmanship rabbit, and is my replacement of Thumper. I miss Thumper, but Buddy is just as great, such a sweetie!
*Sweetpea. Sweetpea was from Shasta's first litter. I love this doe. She takes good care of her babies. If one of my friends wanted her as a pet, I MIGHT consider, but 99% no.
*Harley. Harley as produced countless litters for me. He has produced winning babies, which lets him stay. He is also a big love.
*Shasta. Shasta was my very first rabbit, and I will never sell her. She is a spolied pet now, and she knows it. She has produced countless GREAT litters for me, with last litter being her last. Plus she is my Ex-Showmanship rabbit (A really good one at that). I let her run around while I feed everyone at night, she's such a cutie/sweetie.
*Gracy. Gracy was from my 2nd litter of babies ever. She was smoke gray when she was born, a real cutie. She has produced countless litters, and Lacy is one of her double champion daughters (whom im really proud of). Gracy is a sweetie.
*Snickerdoodles. I love Snickerdoodles. He produced Bear, which is a champion doe. I love Bear, and am happy with Snickerdoodles. He is a sweetie.
There are a few rabbits on the ? side of things. But these ones for sure get to stay. ;) Well, have a great day. TTYL.
*Oakey. Oakey is a real sweetie. He loves head rubs, and to be held and loved. Even though he has only sired a couple litters, his personalty lets him stay. I made a mistake breeding him to Creampuff, and the babies aren't that great. I plan to breed him to Secret Score, as they complement each other well. ;)
*Buddy. Buddy is my showmanship rabbit, and is my replacement of Thumper. I miss Thumper, but Buddy is just as great, such a sweetie!
*Sweetpea. Sweetpea was from Shasta's first litter. I love this doe. She takes good care of her babies. If one of my friends wanted her as a pet, I MIGHT consider, but 99% no.
*Harley. Harley as produced countless litters for me. He has produced winning babies, which lets him stay. He is also a big love.
*Shasta. Shasta was my very first rabbit, and I will never sell her. She is a spolied pet now, and she knows it. She has produced countless GREAT litters for me, with last litter being her last. Plus she is my Ex-Showmanship rabbit (A really good one at that). I let her run around while I feed everyone at night, she's such a cutie/sweetie.
*Gracy. Gracy was from my 2nd litter of babies ever. She was smoke gray when she was born, a real cutie. She has produced countless litters, and Lacy is one of her double champion daughters (whom im really proud of). Gracy is a sweetie.
*Snickerdoodles. I love Snickerdoodles. He produced Bear, which is a champion doe. I love Bear, and am happy with Snickerdoodles. He is a sweetie.
There are a few rabbits on the ? side of things. But these ones for sure get to stay. ;) Well, have a great day. TTYL.
Thursday, August 6, 2009

Baby Dutch

Baby Mini Lop

Baby New Zealand, with painted background. :)
Hi. Well, your probly wondering if I fell off the face of the earth.....NOPE. Well, this heat has been HORRIBLE!!! We lost 4 rabbits in 2 days because of it. We lost Nakita my Champange doe, Harley JR (my keeper NZ cross buck), and 2 New Zealand babies. :( So..RIP guys, we will miss you! :( We opened up the walls a little, and put the industrial fan in there. Its alot cooler now. These past few days have been alot cooler, like in the 80's so thats good. :) It is time for the Mini Lops, and New Zelands to be weaned..ALLREADY!! :O Lol. We painted a cool background for the bunnies pictures. Its really nice. The Netherland Dwarf cross leave tommorow, to the pet store, I know mean, but this guy takes really good care of them, and makes sure they find good homes. We might be getting another rabbit. A BEW Netherland Dwarf doe. If we can get transport then we will get her. ;) We got a new rabbit named Lilly. She is a Californian doe. She is a WITCH! When I got her she was very sweet, but she has MAJOR cage aggresive issues. So, we will see how long she sticks around. Well, thats all sorry. TTYL.
Friday, July 3, 2009
Summer Time
Hi. Well, all the baby bunnies are doing great! They are SO much fun to watch bouncing around the nestbox. They all have there eyes open, so they are adorable! Sorry no pics, our computer is overloaded with them, so until I sort thru the pics, no pics, sorry. :( I have been keeping a good eye on all the bunnies behavior. Making sure non of them are gonna get sick and die. So far so good. If anything kills them, it would be this heat!! Its SO SO SO hot here! In the 100's!! ACK! And its muggy!! We are gonna take off the top part of the right side wall on the bunny barn, and put a shade cloth there. Then we are gonna put my dads HUGE idustrial fan up there, and get that hot muggy air OUT. That little fan doesnt work as well as I wish it did. It just doesnt reach clear to the other side of the bunny barn. :( Nice fan, but doesnt work to well. Well, thats all for a couple days. TTYL.
Sunday, June 28, 2009

Hi. This isnt a good picture, but this is Thumper. Thumper was my baby. I loved him to no end. Anyways, he passed away this friday, of unknown causes. I pray he flew up to heaven on the wings of angels. :) R.I.P my baby boy!!!! You will NEVER be forgotten!! :( ) Congrats to Thumper on his blue ribbon at fair. :)
All the baby bunnies are good. I dont really fell like posting. So, TTYL.
Monday, June 22, 2009
New News
Hi. I went camping over the weekend it was fun!!! My grandma watched the animals while we were gone. Well, I guess after we left, she went to the rabbitry, and Oreo was found dead in his cage. :( She said he looked fine, he had food and water, she said it looked like he went to sleep and didnt get back up. So, im puzzled. I miss him, but luckily we have some babies from him. When I came home Shasta's runt was dead (and they had just opened there eyes). :( But Shasta has 2 golds and 1 tort. BUT....we did have a couple litters over the weekend!!!! Creampuff had 7 babies, all Lilacs. :) And Melody had 5. :) They are so sweet!!! :D Im not sure if I told you or not but a while ago, I had to give Charlie back, there was a misunderstanding. Well, the owner of Charlie broke up with Sams dad, so we got Charlie back, and there wont be any more misunderstandings. ;) I also cleaned the rabbitry today. I got a 3 hole stacker, and some more carrying cages. Well, I plan to get some pics of the babies tonight, and post them sometime maybe tommorow. :) TTYL.
Friday, June 12, 2009
Hi. Well, Shasta had 5 babies on Sunday (i think) afternoon. 4 are still alive, the 5th one just disapeered. There are 2 golds, and 2 torts. 3 of them are HUGE, 1 of them is TINY, like the size of my pinky. The little runt, is just as strong though. ;) Bear never had babies, she misscarried. Creampuff and Melody get there boxes tuesday. Well, I have to go do some chores. TTYL.
Thursday, June 4, 2009
Fair Results......
Hi. Sorry it took me so long to get on here, I have been busy. Anyways, heres the results:
Bear: Grand Champion
Snickerdoodles: Blue
Melody: Blue, Red in fur
Dutchess: Blue, Red In Fur
Nakita: Blue (judge REALLY liked her, lost to color of coat)
Roasters: Researve Champion
Fryers: Didnt make weight :(
Oakey: Researve Champion
Creampuff: Blue
Buddy: Blue
Ash: Blue
Secret Score: Went over weight..white
Roman: Went over weight..white
Blue: Blue (Judge REALLY liked him, lost to lack of maturity)
I got a blue in showmanship, and got called back, into the 2nd round. I think I lost due to my lack of the hard knowlege. On sunday, I walked over to my bunnies, and Bear was pulling HAIR! I had put her in with Charlie, but nothing happened. (Or so i thought). So, I took her home, and canceled her BIS class. Well, I think she misscarried *urgg*. Charlie had to go back home, Angela wanted him back. Oh, and Sam got Grand Champion in showmanship. Marvin got a white. She did really well for her first year. ;) We also came home with a few bunnies, lol. Even though we said we wouldnt, we did. Sam agreed to let all the bunnies stay at her house, though. ;) Sam got 2 Himilayian/Mini Rex, 1 Netherland Dwarf, 1 Mini Rex buck, and 1 Mini Rex doe. I got 1 Mini Rex buck, named Silver. :) I was gonna get a Jersey Wooly, but he got sold. :( This lady's name was Margret. She gave us all these bunnies for free. :D I also went over to her house Monday to pick up a Netherland Dwarf doe with a one week old litter of crossbreed babies. The doe is all black, she is sweet. (The lady said she was mean). I also got her for free. Here's the story:
Me and my grandma went over to her house (FYI: This lady and daughter are moving to Virginia this week). We went into her rabbitry, and it was HORRIBLE! These were nice stacking cages, and here trays were a foot deep with manure. The bunnies looked like (TAKE ME HOME!), Plus the cages were COVERED with cobwebs, you could hardly see the bunnies, AND NONE of the bunnies had food or water. The lady hands me the doe, and she is SKIN AND BONES! SKINNY! The lady was like: "She is gonna be a little skinny, cause of her babies". Im sorry but a doe cant be as skinny as she was, just from a litter! So, we took her home, and her nestbox had 7 babies in it. 5 white, 2 brown. Very cute. Her nestbox SMEllED BAD! So, we put all the babies in another nestbox. She got LOTS of food, hay, and water. She is happy now. Her babies have there eyes open. :D I gave Shasta her nestbox today. She is due Saturday. This will be her last litter, before retirement. :) TTYL.
Bear: Grand Champion
Snickerdoodles: Blue
Melody: Blue, Red in fur
Dutchess: Blue, Red In Fur
Nakita: Blue (judge REALLY liked her, lost to color of coat)
Roasters: Researve Champion
Fryers: Didnt make weight :(
Oakey: Researve Champion
Creampuff: Blue
Buddy: Blue
Ash: Blue
Secret Score: Went over weight..white
Roman: Went over weight..white
Blue: Blue (Judge REALLY liked him, lost to lack of maturity)
I got a blue in showmanship, and got called back, into the 2nd round. I think I lost due to my lack of the hard knowlege. On sunday, I walked over to my bunnies, and Bear was pulling HAIR! I had put her in with Charlie, but nothing happened. (Or so i thought). So, I took her home, and canceled her BIS class. Well, I think she misscarried *urgg*. Charlie had to go back home, Angela wanted him back. Oh, and Sam got Grand Champion in showmanship. Marvin got a white. She did really well for her first year. ;) We also came home with a few bunnies, lol. Even though we said we wouldnt, we did. Sam agreed to let all the bunnies stay at her house, though. ;) Sam got 2 Himilayian/Mini Rex, 1 Netherland Dwarf, 1 Mini Rex buck, and 1 Mini Rex doe. I got 1 Mini Rex buck, named Silver. :) I was gonna get a Jersey Wooly, but he got sold. :( This lady's name was Margret. She gave us all these bunnies for free. :D I also went over to her house Monday to pick up a Netherland Dwarf doe with a one week old litter of crossbreed babies. The doe is all black, she is sweet. (The lady said she was mean). I also got her for free. Here's the story:
Me and my grandma went over to her house (FYI: This lady and daughter are moving to Virginia this week). We went into her rabbitry, and it was HORRIBLE! These were nice stacking cages, and here trays were a foot deep with manure. The bunnies looked like (TAKE ME HOME!), Plus the cages were COVERED with cobwebs, you could hardly see the bunnies, AND NONE of the bunnies had food or water. The lady hands me the doe, and she is SKIN AND BONES! SKINNY! The lady was like: "She is gonna be a little skinny, cause of her babies". Im sorry but a doe cant be as skinny as she was, just from a litter! So, we took her home, and her nestbox had 7 babies in it. 5 white, 2 brown. Very cute. Her nestbox SMEllED BAD! So, we put all the babies in another nestbox. She got LOTS of food, hay, and water. She is happy now. Her babies have there eyes open. :D I gave Shasta her nestbox today. She is due Saturday. This will be her last litter, before retirement. :) TTYL.
Wednesday, May 27, 2009
Hi. Fair is coming up! This coming weekend! Friday is vet check + cage assignments, saturday is fair, and sunday is fair!! It will be a TON of fun!! :D All the bunnies are doing good. We cleaned the cages yesterday, and sprayed down the trays. We also cleaned off hutch stains on the bunnies (they got a little bath, hehe). Some of the rabbits had sore hocks, so I treated them with antibotics. Im hoping vet check will let them in. I bred Creampuff to Oakey, and Melody to Harley. So, we will be having litters soon! :) Theres a quick update. Wish me luck for fair! :D TTYL.
Thursday, May 14, 2009
Pictures, and News

Charlie, Hmm something smells (tell you later)

Izzy Set Up

Floyd on left, Fred on right (sorry hard to see)

Charlie (tell you later)


Hi. Well this week has been interesting. Ok, so first off we got another baby goat named Fred (dad named him). He looks like Izzy. Then, Sam's rabbit Thumper had 7 babies 3 weeks ago, Thumper died, and so did one baby, so Im bottle feeding them. Coco also had babies, but they are 7 weeks old. Coco was killed by something, so I took her 3 too. Im keeping one of Cocos babies, a blue doe with PERFECT markings!! And maybe 1-2 of Thumpers. Sam lost a few bunnies these past couple weeks. Blueberry, Emolly, Thumper, Coco, Bambi, and Cinnamon. I dont know why, but they died. :( And, then I fell in love with Sam's step sisters bunny, Charlie. So, I took him home. ;) I let him run around the rabbitry today. ;) I also bred Shasta to Oreo (i think i told you in the last post). There's a quick update. :) TTYL.
Friday, May 8, 2009
Long Time, No Post..
Hi. Sorry for the lack of updates, we have been busy. Izzy is still alive and she is getting big! She is 10 days old. :) We also got another abonded goat, this time a boy and his name is Floyd (dad named him). He is 5 days old today. ;) They are both doing great! The day before yesterday, we had to put down one of the baby pigs. I wont go into details, but it happened to be my favorite one. :( I also cleaned out the rabbitry a few days ago. I bred Shasta to Oreo last night. I also chose my fryers and roasters. My roasters got tatoo'ed and my fryers will tommorow. Im pretty happy with my roasters. A little long in shoulder, but I was able to choose 3 NICE looking ones, that are coming into there shoulders. ;) My fryers are looking awesome. Nothing to complain there. If anything shorter shoulders, but they are developing into there shoulders, as well.
Well, a friend of mine last year came and got a Dutch buck from me. Well, now they have ND and want to breed to Blue, I accepted, and in exchange I will get first pick of the litter. :D Did I mention the doe they want to breed is a tort?? Double :D :D. LOL. Anyways theres a update. ;) TTYL.
Well, a friend of mine last year came and got a Dutch buck from me. Well, now they have ND and want to breed to Blue, I accepted, and in exchange I will get first pick of the litter. :D Did I mention the doe they want to breed is a tort?? Double :D :D. LOL. Anyways theres a update. ;) TTYL.
Wednesday, April 29, 2009
Hi. Well, not much has been going on here. I heard everybody did really well at Mini Lop Nationals. Just to name a few...Lana, Nicole, Velvettouch Rabbitry, Sunnybrook Rabbitry didnt send any of there rabbits to ML Nationals, but rabbits from them, that they sold to other people, did really well. Congratulations everyone!! ;)
Well, my neighbor raises goats. I sometimes take care of them, while he is gone trucking. Well, I also signed up to bottle feed baby goats, if they are abadoned, or they have more then 2. Well, one was abadoned yesterday, and his here. Its a girl, and her name is Izzy, short for Isabell. She is doing awesome. So wish her luck!! ;) TTYL.
Well, my neighbor raises goats. I sometimes take care of them, while he is gone trucking. Well, I also signed up to bottle feed baby goats, if they are abadoned, or they have more then 2. Well, one was abadoned yesterday, and his here. Its a girl, and her name is Izzy, short for Isabell. She is doing awesome. So wish her luck!! ;) TTYL.
Sunday, April 26, 2009
Lucky's Memorial

7th Day Of Life

This post is in loving memory of Lucky The Bunny. Lucky was a solid Lilac Mini Lop. He was loved by all that knew him. Lucky was born on April 13, 2009. He had 2 DOA siblings. Lucky sadly passed away on April 21, 2009 on his 8th day of life. We all miss him very much. I would like to thank: Friends, Family, and Blogger Visitors for praying for Lucky. R.I.P Lucky, we will miss you, and always love you. :)
Thursday, April 23, 2009
Hi. Tuesday night Lucky started having seizures (i think), and was crying. :( My mom brought him out to feed him, and all the sudden he went into the "dead limp", but we brought him back, and he started having little seizures. Like he would act all hungry, then he would go all bad, and stuff like that. Anyways we lost him Wendsday morning. He died peacefully, and not in pain, so that makes me feel a little better. I just find it weird that it happend when he was 8 days old, and not 2-3 days old. Hmm. But tommorow is a bunny ceromony for Lucky, on this blog. So check it out sometime tommorow. TTYL.
Tuesday, April 21, 2009
Bunny News
Hi. Well today Lucky is 8 days old! He is still alive, and doing great. My mom thought his eyes were trying to open, hehe. Well, im not sure I should keep Creampuff or give her another chance...what do you guys think?? She didn't produce anything chocolate (except that lilac is chocolate based), but that doesn't really count. Hmmm...
Im gonna clean the rabbitry today, and organize a little. Oh, and I also choose who is going to fair. Here they are:
*Secret Score
*My 3 Roasters
*My 3 Fryers
*Nakita(they talked me into this one)
*Harley(same as Nakita)
*Dutchess(Im showing her for a friend)
Well, they talked me into Nakita, and Harley. I dont know why I entered them, I already know what there gonna say, but oh well, who cares. They will say Harley is long in the shoulder. Actually...Nakita has never been shown, so she may do ok. TTYL.
Im gonna clean the rabbitry today, and organize a little. Oh, and I also choose who is going to fair. Here they are:
*Secret Score
*My 3 Roasters
*My 3 Fryers
*Nakita(they talked me into this one)
*Harley(same as Nakita)
*Dutchess(Im showing her for a friend)
Well, they talked me into Nakita, and Harley. I dont know why I entered them, I already know what there gonna say, but oh well, who cares. They will say Harley is long in the shoulder. Actually...Nakita has never been shown, so she may do ok. TTYL.
Saturday, April 18, 2009
Hi. Lucky is still doing GREAT!! He is already 5 days old! And...Creampuff had her last (hopefully) baby. She had it on the wire (DOA), and ate off one of his back legs. :( He was also a solid lilac. So, next I will probly breed.....Shasta? I dont know yet. I need to get another Dutch doe, cause Shasta is going into retirement after her, next litter. I will probly just use Cookie.
I went through my whole rabbitry a couple days ago, and typed everybody. I wrote down faults, I would like to improve, and there +'s that keep them here, hehe. Well, here is what I need to improve, and work towards.
*Shorter Shoulders *Good HQ
*Better Stops *Good Blaze & Belt
*Good Cheeks
*Good Fur
Mini Lops:
*Smaller Size *Good HQ
*Shorter Shoulders *Good Fur
*More Compact *Good Head, Ear, and Crown
*Fair Topline
Meat Breeds:
*Shorter Shoulders *Good Fur
*Good Size
*Nice Litters
*Good Body
So, there's your update. ;) TTYL.
I went through my whole rabbitry a couple days ago, and typed everybody. I wrote down faults, I would like to improve, and there +'s that keep them here, hehe. Well, here is what I need to improve, and work towards.
*Shorter Shoulders *Good HQ
*Better Stops *Good Blaze & Belt
*Good Cheeks
*Good Fur
Mini Lops:
*Smaller Size *Good HQ
*Shorter Shoulders *Good Fur
*More Compact *Good Head, Ear, and Crown
*Fair Topline
Meat Breeds:
*Shorter Shoulders *Good Fur
*Good Size
*Nice Litters
*Good Body
So, there's your update. ;) TTYL.
Wednesday, April 15, 2009
More Pics, and Updates

Hi. Ok, so Lucky is doing GREAT! He is healthy, happy, and wiggley! No more babies from Creampuff yet, but she definatly has more in there! So, hopefully they come out soon. Thanks for keeping them in your thoughts and prayers. Gracy's, and Lacy's babies are already big! They grow up so fast, hehe. I have to go now, so I will give a better update in a couple more days (and hopefully more pics). TTYL.
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